

Mary Alice Salmon is a former news reporter who covered a wide range of stories, from the happenings at the Texas Legislature to politics at the local, state, and federal levels. During her journalism career, she rubbed shoulders with politicians at various levels and even performed in a circus once as one of the clowns. She also wrote human interest stories about a diverse array of people.

What Is This Book About

Based on a true story, The Girl in a Red Sweater is about a high school girl who suddenly goes missing in Lubbock, Texas, when she goes out on a date with one of her two boyfriends. Family members and friends launch a search for the girl but cannot find her. Soon, people are pointing fingers at one of the girl’s boyfriends as the culprit behind her disappearance. A reporter with the local newspaper soon begins digging into what happened to the girl.


Emily Sanchez High School Teacher

A gripping tale that kept me on the edge of my seat until the very end. Mary Alice Salmon's storytelling skills shine in this riveting mystery.

David Martinez Local Police Detective

As someone who deals with real-life mysteries, I was impressed by the authenticity of The Girl in a Red Sweater. A compelling read from start to finish.

Sarah Johnson College Student

I couldn't put this book down! Mary Alice Salmon captures the atmosphere of a college campus with eerie precision, making every twist and turn even more suspenseful.

Michael Adams Book Reviewer, The Texas Tribune

A captivating debut novel from Mary Alice Salmon. The Girl in a Red Sweater is a must-read for anyone who enjoys a well-crafted mystery with plenty of surprises along the way.


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Behind the Story: The Real Events That Inspired “The Girl in a Red Sweater”

Behind the Story: The Real Events That…

Introduction: Delve into the true story that inspired “The Girl in a Red Sweater.” This blog post will explore…

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